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Tímea Czifra

Czifra Tímea fiziológiai asszisztens

Tímea Czifra

customer relationship manager

I have been working in healthcare for over 20 years. After working abroad for 10 years, I returned home in November 2014 and joined the team at Fájdalom Ambulancia. My goal is to use the diverse experience gained abroad to strengthen the team so that our guests can leave us as happily and healthily as possible.


Advanced studies:

  • General Nurse and Assistant – Budapest
  • Clinical Electrophysiology Assistant – Budapest
  • Adult and Child Protection – Birmingham
  • Moving and Handling – Birmingham
  • Food Hygiene – Birmingham
  • Personal Assistance – Birmingham
  • HABC First Aid (QCF) – Birmingham

Language skills

English, Hungarian, Arabic