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Dietetician consultation

A Dietetikai tanácsadás során a páciensek szakértő segítségével elsajátíthatják az egészségügyi állapotuknak megfelelő alapvető étrendvezetési irányelveket.

A medical examination isn’t required prior to requesting dietary advice.

What happens during a dietary consultation?

During your first dietary consultation:

  • Your nutritional history is recorded, a body composition measurement is made using our InBody system, and then your energy requirement is calculated.
  • If you arrive with a laboratory finding and a medical opinion, the correct daily dietary routine will be adjusted to suit your existing condition.
  • You will also receive the results of the consultation in writing, covering the permitted raw materials.
  • If required, a personalized diet is prepared for you.
  • Three weeks after your first consultation, a control test will be performed to see if modifications are needed for an effective diet.

When do we recommend dietary consultation?

Dietary consultation deals with the following areas:

  • Insulin resistance
  • PCOS
  • diabetes
  • endocrine diseases
  • cardiovascular diseases
  • pregnancy
  • eating disorder or its precursors
  • sports nutrition