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Infusion treatments

Az infúziós kezelések alkalmával a szakorvos felügyelete mellett intravénás úton egy általa személyre szabott vitamincsomagot juttatunk a szervezetbe.

Prior to infusion treatment a medical examination must be performed.


Intravenous vitamin and fluid supplementation

Everyone can get to the point where they feel they can’t function optimally. This can stem from stress, lack of sleep and proper rest, overwork, or nutritional deficiencies, to name the main reasons. With our infusion treatments, we can provide your body’s needs efficiently and quickly.

What are the advantages of infusion therapy?

Intravenous infusion treatments provide a route of administration for vitamins, trace elements, and minerals taking a completely different approach from traditional modes of administration. The main advantage of infusion therapy is that 100% of the ingested trace elements and minerals enter the circulation to be utilized there.

  • Products for oral intake do not act immediately.
  • They pass through the liver after a slow, prolonged absorption which may further reduce their utilization.
  • They may also contain artificial additives.

Another significant fact about oral vitamins is:

  •  that they also burden the digestive system
  • their absorption depends on the specific vital state of the body
  • and vitamins taken at the same time may also adversely affect each other.

These problems can be avoided if a personalized vitamin package enters the bloodstream directly under medical supervision. With pure active ingredients, there is real utilization, exposure time is reduced, even immediate results can be seen.

Our infusion therapy offers a unique set of tools with a mixture of active ingredients compiled by specialists to support the treatment of many health problems, to resolve unwanted conditions and to achieve special goals.

What happens during an infusion therapy?

  • The duration of a treatment is 45 to 60 minutes during which the selected vitamin cocktail enters the body through the bloodstream.
  • While receiving the infusion, you can enjoy your private time in our comfortable, hydromassage beds and feel reborn as a relaxed, vitalized and healthier person. Log into our infusion bar now!

Log into our infusion bar now!