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Humac Norm – assessment of large joint movements

A Humac Norm vizsgálattal könnyen objektív adatokat nyerhetünk a combizmok robbanékonyságához a hatékonyabb edzések érdekében.

Humac Norm – assessment of large joint movements does not require a prior medical examination.

About Humac Norm – assessment of large joint movements

Unlike traditional tests, we examine the functionally determining muscle work during rapid movements, which can be measured at best during isokinetic (constant speed) movements.

The CSMI Humac Norm dynamometer’s high accuracy allows us to determine:

  • how high the risk of injury is in case of muscle imbalance
  • how much difference there is between the sides
  • how explosive the thigh muscles are,
  • or even how successful a post-injury rehabilitation program can be.