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Laser therapy

A lézerterápia során a Safe Laser 1800 készülék szövetmegújító és fájdalomcsillapító hatásával elősegítjük és támogatjuk a szervezet regenerációs képességét.

Laser therapy does not require a prior medical examination.

What happens during laser therapy?

Being the most modern and efficient device in the Safe Laser family, we perform our laser treatments with the Safe Laser 1800 device. Using the technology, tissue regeneration and pain relief is achieved without endangering the eyes.

What kind of effects laser therapy has on the body?

Safe Laser’s 808 nanometer infrared scattered light is also suitable for treating deep tissues:

  • The laser beam reaches tissues up to 8 to 10 centimeters deep to reduce inflammation, regenerate tissues and relieve pain, so deep-lying muscles and joints can be reached with it.
  • The laser treatment initiates and accelerates the healing of muscles, tendons and joints.
  • At higher doses, it can also induce regeneration of articular cartilage surfaces and cartilage.

Results after using laser therapy:

  • Relieved pain
  • Reduced inflammation and swelling
  • Faster wound healing
  • Increased tissue regeneration and cell growth
  • Improved blood circulation, increased metabolism
  • Increased nerve function
  • Reduced excessive scar tissue formation
  • Improved immune processes