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Craniosacral therapy

A Craniosacralis terápia abszolút fájdalommentes manuális eljárás, melynek fő célja a testben és az idegrendszerben kialakult blokkok szakszerű feloldása.

A craniosacral therapy does not require a prior medical examination.

What is craniosacral therapy?

Developed by American physician Dr John Upledger, craniosacral therapy is a gentle and effective manual method used to dissolve blocks in the body and nervous system. The therapy is based on our craniosacral system (skull bones and sacrum) which has its own rhythm similar to breathing and heartbeat.

What happens during craniosacral therapy?

During the therapy, the abnormal position of the skull bones and sacrum, as well as the tissue and joint tensions are gently corrected resulting in a beneficial effect on the whole body: your organ functioning becomes more coordinated, your vitality increases and your general well-being improves.

During the painless treatment, the patient enters a pleasant, deeply relaxed state while physical, emotional and mental blocks can also be dissolved.

The therapy is recommended in the following cases:

  • Migraine
  • Insomnia, stress, chronically tired conditions
  • Accidental injuries, postoperative malfunctions
  • Chronic neck and spine pain
  • Hypertension
  • Respiratory diseases
  • Indigestion
  • Dental and jaw joint problems
  • Tinnitus
  • Hormonal problems
  • Problems during pregnancy or after childbirth
  • Learning difficulties, dyslexia
  • Adolescence anxiety, growth pain