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Dr Tamás Gulyás

Dr. Gulyás Tamás, orvos

Dr Tamás Gulyás


He received his medical degree in 1998 and then specialized in anesthesiology and intensive care, from which he graduated in 2004. He has also been involved in holistic therapies since his university years.

In addition to his work as an anesthesiologist, he specializes in pain therapy and the rehabilitation and nutrition of athletes, as well as soft laser therapy and trigger point treatments. He is also an active sportsman and a marathoner. Since 2008, he has been the Chief Physician of Anesthesiology at Kastélypark Clinic in Tata where he mainly performs anesthesia for locomotor rehabilitation surgeries.

After his professional studies, his interest was focused on lifestyle medicine, nutrition, and dietary supplementation. He transposed his intensive therapeutic, deep physiological mindset into lifestyle therapy, trying to resolve much of the contradictory information in the field. Since 2006, he has also been involved in lifestyle medicine on a practical level. Initially, he has worked with lifestyle counseling systems based on genetic diagnostics supplemented by complex examinations in later years, as well as Anti-Aging Medicine and Functional Medicine.

His motto:
Take advantage of state-of-the-art diagnostic procedures in modern medicine while trying to provide natural answers to our problems.

He believes and professes that while there are general laws that affect our bodies, our lifestyles need to be tailored since our genetic and metabolic differences, our mental attitudes, and the external influences that affect us require unique solutions.


Advanced studies:

Advanced studies:

  • UH Controlled Regional Anesthesia Course at Aesculap Academy
  • Soft Laser Therapy Course Semmelweis University Department of Disaster and Law Enforcement Medicine
  • Functional Medicine Course Instituto di Medicina Rigeneretiva e Anti-Aging (Ismerian)
  • Basics of Genetics Genosense Diagnostics GmbH

Language skills

English, Hungarian