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Tímea Jeges

Jeges Tímea, craniosacralis terapeuta

Tímea Jeges

craniosacral therapist


My name is Timea Jeges, and I am a craniosacral and visceral manipulation therapist, reflexologist, naturopath and economist.

10 years ago – after the birth of my children, and 15 stressful years in the marketing profession – I decided to paddle to new waters. I found what I have always been looking for in alternative therapies especially craniosacral therapy: a scientifically proved method that is gentle, works on physical and emotional problems at the same time, and has perfected the perception and tracking of the complexity of the human body.

Since then, I have completed all trainings available domestically, and with thousands of treatments offered, my enthusiasm is only increasing.

I consider cooperation between different professional fields to be extremely important in order to fully support the patient. Since craniosacral therapy is widely applicable, I maintain active professional contact with orthodontists, developmental educators, speech therapists, neurologists, internists, obstetricians, nutrition counselors, and physiotherapist colleagues.

In addition to the treatments, I take part in the professional work of the Upledger Institute by training craniosacral therapists as an instructor, and I also hold workshops.


Advanced studies:

  • Economist, International Communication Major
  • Naturopath, Reflexologist
  • Schüssler facial diagnostics
  • Upledger Institute trainings: Craniosacral Therapy (CST) 1-2, Somato-Emotional Dissolution 1-2, Advanced 1-2,
    Craniosacral Therapy in Pediatrics, CST during Pregnancy and Childbirth, The Brain Speaks – Palpation and Treatment of
    Brain Formulas and Lesions, Healing from the Core: Developing a Therapeutic Presence
  • Barral Institute trainings: Visceral manipulation 1-4, (pelvis, abdominal organs, chest) Relationships between the neck
    and the temporomandibular joint

Language skills

Hungarian, English, Spanish